College of St John the Evangelist in the University of Cambridge or St John’s College was founded in 1511 by the Tudor matriarch Lady Margaret Beaufort. The college is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge.
Before that, a monastic community – the Hospital of St John – stood here. By the early 16th century, it had fallen into decay.
Saint John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester and chaplain to Lady Margaret persuaded Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of King Henry VII, to found a College on the site. Sadly, she died in 1509, before formal permission to establish St John’s was finally granted in 1511. The Charter, signed by the Executors of the Lady Margaret, is dated 9th April 1511; in this Robert Shorton is named as Master.
In November 1512 the Court of Chancery allowed Lady Margaret's executors to pay for the foundation of the college from her estates.
The College made an excellent start, and was soon full of earnest and successful students. It is sufficient to mention the names of Sir John Cheke, the famous Greek scholar; of Roger Ascham, the tutor of Queen Elizabeth; and, in another sphere, William Cecil, first Lord Burghley, to give an idea of the influence the College was spreading.
College of St John the Evangelist in the University of Cambridge
History is about people in society, their actions and interactions, the beliefs and prejudices their pasts and presents. History is the science which investigates and then records past human activities as are definite in time and space, social in nature and socially significant. The word ‘History’ means learned, expert, and knowledgeable. The word history has the connotation of finding out by investigation or inquiry.
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