Leonardo da Vinci was born April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy, small town near Florence. He was a prolific painter, sculptor, scientist and engineer.
Leonardo completed few painting, for his scientific activities and numerous odd jobs for his patrons consumed much of his energy. Some of his paintings have perished as a result of a bad luck.
Leonardo was commissioned by Ludovico Sforza, the ruler of Milan to paint in the dining hall of a monastery in Florence. The painting was to depict one of the most important events in the Christian faith, the Last Supper.
He had been working on the idea of a Last Supper painting for about fifteen years and his notebooks contained many sketches from that period.
He spent three years painting The Last Supper, but within twenty years the paint started to flake off.
In this painting Leonardo has succeeded in producing the effect of the coup de theater at the moment when Jesus said, “One of you shall betray me.”
Instantly the various apostles realize that there is a traitor among their number and show by their different gestures their different passion and reveal their different temperaments.
The Last Supper, began to deteriorate during his lifetime because the mold on the damp monastery wall in Milan destroyed the clarity of the oil pigments.
Fortunately, Leonardo’s talent and his extraordinary range of interests may also be studied in drawings and notebooks.
The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
History is about people in society, their actions and interactions, the beliefs and prejudices their pasts and presents. History is the science which investigates and then records past human activities as are definite in time and space, social in nature and socially significant. The word ‘History’ means learned, expert, and knowledgeable. The word history has the connotation of finding out by investigation or inquiry.
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