The Dutch colonial government declared war on Aceh on 26 March 1873; the apparent immediate trigger for their invasion was discussions between representatives of Aceh and the U.S. in Singapore during early 1873.
An expeditionary force left Batavia in 22 March 1873 under the command of Major General Köhler.
The expedition was able to occupy most of the coastal areas. It was the intention of the Dutch to attack and take the Sultan's palace, which would also lead to the occupation of the entire country.
The Netherlands East India army, the KNIL, bombarded the town of Banda Aceh (Kota raja), Acehnese capital.
The Sultan requested and possibly received military aid from Italy and the United Kingdom in Singapore: in any case the Aceh army was rapidly modernized, and Aceh soldiers managed to kill Köhler (a monument of this achievement has been built inside Grand Mosque of Banda Aceh). Köhler made some grave tactical errors and the reputation of the Dutch was severely harmed.
The Dutch force left on 25 April with a loss of eighty men and the general. The expedition had been organized in haste because do the impending monsoon.
A second expedition led by General Van Swieten return to Aceh in November 1873 with 13,000 troops managed to capture the kraton (sultan's palace): the Sultan had however been warned, and had escaped capture. Intermittent guerrilla warfare continued in the region for ten years, with many victims on both sides.
Between November 1873 and April 1874 as many as 1400 men died in the colonial army. The Acehnese decided to abandon Banda Aceh and the Dutch moved in in January 1874.
As the Dutch advanced, bombarding and burning villages, the population fled to the hills and maintained their resistance.
Around 1880 the Dutch strategy changed, and rather than continuing the war, they now concentrated on defending areas they already controlled, which were mostly limited to the capital city (modern Banda Aceh), and the harbor town of Ulee Lheue. On 13 October 1880 the colonial government declared the war was over, but continued spending heavily to maintain control over the areas it occupied.
The guerilla resistance came to be dominated by religious leaders, the ulamas, among whom the most famous was Teungku Cik di Tiro.
In 1881, the religious leadership in Aceh declared the war a jihad, or ‘perang sabil’ (holy war) and this undoubtedly gave a new lease of life to the struggle and strengthened the local influence of the ulamas.
War began again in 1883, when the British ship Nisero was stranded in Aceh, in an area where the Dutch had little influence. A local leader asked for ransom from both the Dutch and the British, and under British pressure the Dutch were forced to attempt to liberate the sailors.
After a failed Dutch attempt to rescue the hostages, where the local leader Teuku Umar was asked for help but he refused, the Dutch together with the British invaded the territory. The Sultan gave up the hostages, and received a large amount in cash in exchange.
The Dutch Minister of Warfare Weitzel now again declared open war on Aceh, and warfare continued, with little success, as before. The Dutch now also tried to enlist local leaders: the aforementioned Umar was bought with cash, opium, and weapons. Umar received the title panglima prang besar (upper warlord of the government).
Umar called himself rather Teuku Djohan Pahlawan (Johan the heroic). On 1 January 1894 Umar even received Dutch aid to build an army. However, two years later Umar attacked the Dutch with his new army, rather than aiding the Dutch in subjugating inner Aceh. This is recorded in Dutch history as "Het verraad van Teukoe Oemar" (the treason of Teuku Umar).
In 1892 and 1893 Aceh remained independent, despite the Dutch efforts. Major J.B. van Heutsz, a colonial military leader, then wrote a series of articles on Aceh. He was supported by Dr Snouck Hurgronje of the University of Leiden, then the leading Dutch expert on Islam.
Hurgronje managed to get the confidence of many Aceh leaders and gathered valuable intelligence for the Dutch government. His works remained an official secret for many years.
In Hurgronje's analysis of Acehnese society, he minimized the role of the Sultan and argued that attention should be paid to the hereditary chiefs, the Ulee Balang, who he felt, could be trusted as local administrators. However, he argued, Aceh's religious leaders, the ulema, could not be trusted or persuaded to cooperate, and must be destroyed.
This advice was followed: in 1898 Van Heutsz was proclaimed governor of Aceh, and with his lieutenant, later Dutch Prime Minister Hendrikus Colijn, would finally conquer most of Aceh.
They followed Hurgronje's suggestions, finding cooperative Ulee Balang that would support them in the countryside. Van Heutsz charged Colonel Van Daalen with breaking remaining resistance.
Van Daalen destroyed several villages, killing at least 2,900 Acehnese, among which were 1,150 women and children. Dutch losses numbered just 26, and Van Daalen was promoted.
The letters which Colijn wrote at the time to his wife make no effort to hide the atrocities in which he was personally involved: “I have seen a mother carrying a child of about 6 months old on her left arm, with a long lance in her right hand, who was running in our direction. One of our bullets killed the mother as well as the child. From now on we couldn't give any mercy, it was over. I did give orders to gather a group of 9 women and 3 children who asked for mercy and they were shot all together. It was not a pleasant job, but something else was impossible. Our soldiers tacked them with pleasure with their bayonets. It was horrible. I will stop reporting now."
Colijn's wife wrote in the margin: “How terrible!!"
By 1904 most of Aceh was under Dutch control, and had an indigenous government that cooperated with the colonial state. Estimated total casualties on the Aceh side range from 50,000 to 100,000 dead, and over a million wounded.
According to Paul van’ t Veer, up to 1914, no less than 17,500 people were killed in the Dutch side and about 70,000 on Aceh’s side.
It is thought that between 10,000 to 20,000 Acehnese fled to the Malay Peninsula, while at least 10,000 more became refugees within Aceh.
The Aceh War against Dutch colonialism lasted according to conservative estimates, thirty five years, and according to the Acehnese, for over a half century in a succession of guerilla wars: the first war (1873), the second war (1874-1880), the third war (1884-1896), the forth war (1889-1942).
The Aceh War
History is about people in society, their actions and interactions, the beliefs and prejudices their pasts and presents. History is the science which investigates and then records past human activities as are definite in time and space, social in nature and socially significant. The word ‘History’ means learned, expert, and knowledgeable. The word history has the connotation of finding out by investigation or inquiry.
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