Saturday, May 31, 2014

Who was Charles Darwin (1809-1882)?

Charles Darwin took five years trip around the world on a ship called the Beagle, but he liked staying home best of all.

Charles Robert Darwin was born on February 12, 1809, in Shrewsbury, a small village in England. He was the second son and fifth of six children of Dr. Robert Darwin, an eminently successful physician, who in turn was the son of Erasmus Darwin, the author of Zoonomia.

He studied at Edinburgh and received his BA from Cambridge in April 1831.  Charles Darwin is among the most influential scientists who ever lived.

Darwin’s observations in the Galapagos and in the other countries he visited had a profound effect on his thinking. Darwin began to think about the relationships among the facts he was accumulating.

In July 1837, less than none months after landing at Falmouth, Darwin began writing downs his thoughts on their relationship and origins of species in a notebook.

He changed the way humans view their place in nature. His explanation of the evolutionary process occurring through natural selection forms the basis of modern-day biological sciences, including the applied disciplines of agriculture, medicine and most recently biotechnology.
Who was Charles Darwin (1809-1882)?

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