The earliest railways were built and paid for by the owners of the mines they served.
In 1803 the first public railway was constructed and opened in London. It was a horse drawn which links Surrey and Croydon. The length of this railway is nearly nine miles.
The wagons had flat-tyred wheels, making them usable on roads. A horse could haul five loaded 3 tons wagons on the flat.
Richard Trevithick was perhaps the single most important person to forward and demonstrate early steam technology for mobility on land.
He introduced the world’s first steam engine to run successfully on rails in 1804. It was used to haul iron from Merthyr Tydfil to Abercynon.
Steam powered vehicles were a small-scale invention until English engineers George and Robert Stephenson bought their skills to bear.
On September 27, 1825, 450 people climbed up open carriages that were hauled along the railroad by the Stephenson’s locomotive called Locomotion. It was the first locomotive for public.
The world’s first passenger railroad opened in Britain between Liverpool and Manchester in 1830 but not before a famous trial at Rainhill, England in 1829.
History of train in England
History is about people in society, their actions and interactions, the beliefs and prejudices their pasts and presents. History is the science which investigates and then records past human activities as are definite in time and space, social in nature and socially significant. The word ‘History’ means learned, expert, and knowledgeable. The word history has the connotation of finding out by investigation or inquiry.
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